
Parking charges in Redcar & Cleveland

I have joined with Conservative colleagues from across Redcar and Cleveland to ask the Council to reconsider their plans to introduce new parking charges across our borough.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the top of Roseberry Topping.


The year of delivery for us locally…

Teesworks and our Freeport, continuing to create local jobs for people

Eston Square and Eston Baths, finding out if the funding has been approved

Christmas Eve Carol Service

It was great to join the Carol Service at Christ Church Eston this evening.

I read a passage from Luke, on the Angel’s message to the Shepherds.

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people...”


Paul Salvin Elected Councillor

Paul Salvin tonight became the first Conservative Councillor for Normanby since 1995…

With a 15.9% increase for the Conservatives and the first by-election win from Labour since Rishi Sunak became PM.

Winners Of Christmas Card Competition

A huge well done to Harry, Emily and Ayla on their entries to my Christmas Card competition.

The Christmas Card has been sent out to many businesses in our area, to the Prime Minister and to the King.

It was a tough year to choose with hundreds of entries from across our area.

Levelling Up Fund Update

Just an update on the Levelling Up Fund.

Hopefully you’re well aware that I have made a bid to the Levelling Up Fund for two projects in the TS6 area:

- £8million to redevelop Eston Square

- £8million for a new pool at Eston Baths

Carol Service at Eston Salvation Army

It was great to go along to the “Carols under the Stars” service at Eston Salvation Army last night.

It was great to see another well attended Christmas event and we even got a visit from Santa himself.


Boundary Commission Letter

I have written to the Boundary Commission today, requesting they formally consider renaming the Redcar Constituency to better reflect its make up.

The suggestions I have put forward include:

- Redcar & Cleveland

- Greater Eston & Redcar

St George’s Church

Lovely to visit St George’s Church in Teesville this morning, and hear about the fantastic ways they’re helping our communities in the run up to Christmas.

Eston Remembrance

Attended the Eston Remembrance Service this morning.

Was amazing to see so many people turn out to pay their respects in their own way.

Have heard that Redcar had a great turnout too.